Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Blog Post #1

When I speak I often mix a bunch of lingo, because of where I have lived and the people I have associated with. Generally I believe that the people that I associate with have influenced the language I use. I have never really spoken “proper English” per say, always using some kind of slang. For instance I was sent to Utah for 2 years, for schooling. Everyone in Utah told me I spoke “ghetto”. Mainly because I used many slang terms that they had never heard of.  However when I returned home my family and friends told me I spoke like a valley girl, because I was pronouncing all of my words completely (i.e.  Instead of saying “goin” would say going). Luckily because of this experience I now know how to code switch when I am in different settings. When I’m with my friends I speak freely. If I’m at church or with elders I clean up my language a little so that I can be understood.  Being at Year Up is a new experience and I’m still working out the kinks so that I can effectively communicate with staff and my colleagues. My slang slips out every once in a while, but I’m sure that with due time I will have no issue.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the fact that you say right at the beginning you say the language we use are slightly determined by who you associated with. Code switching can be very useful and I believe that it is a necessity to have this ability. To know who you can relate to is very important and I know what you mean by when you go to church It's suspected of a person to carry themselves a certain way. Kamari you have done a great job with expressing how language has been used in your life
